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{{HeadingB|Latest News}}
*No news to display.
*'''2011-1-30 / The Bosses Page
I recently received a message on my page about a certain issue (you know who you are and I thank you greatly). Apparently someone has been running around posting absolutely crazy things all over the place, especially on [[Bosses]].
First and foremost, Tooty the Feeble is not a freakin' Ziz bird! I've run into that all over the place now! Second, this Wiki is in ''English''. Please, please, ''please'' don't going around writing fabricated things! There are no enchanted snowmen, no "Neptuna the Merperson King". This is not a fanon wiki! Some of the things written on that page are so stupid they're hilarious. However, in all seriousness, I have thusly decided to close the Bosses page to all editors that are 'new or unregistered' in hopes that that will solve the problems.
I am getting very, very tired of this. If these posting of fanon facts continues, I will pull out my admin gun and start using it to its full potential. And it will be funnn.
I will do my very best to clean up the Bosses page to its fullest, truthful potential, for those of you who still actually care.
*'''2010-04-11 / False/Made-Up Facts and a few Announcements
Lately, we have been having a problem with incorrect information being posted on the pages. I announced this last year, as you can see, but it does not seem to have made a difference. Once again, '''Do <u>NOT</u> post information on otherwise true pages that was not stated in the game.''' There are many fan-fic related pages, and if you wrote the fan-fiction, I'm warning you, I am going to delete these within two weeks. I'm sorry if I am being harsh, but I have stated this before, and still it appears. I will not delete the actual fan-fictions, but I will delete pages related to them.
Also, if you are reading this, please be sure that this site is NOT dead, is checked frequently by myself and is monitored, as you can see. It is not edited much because if you know the circumstance the Croc series is in, you'll know that there is nothing new to post! I'm sorry if it's disheartening, but I intend to keep this alive as long as there are fans left.
The last thing I wanted to announce is that someone contacted me once, saying that they had bought a beta version of Croc 1. There are many, many people who would be interested in this, and please use your unique resource to the fullest. I have not heard any more about this, but I would really like to. If it's you, please continue editing, and posting your finding on a fansite such as Croc! Hero of the Gobbos. This is new material that we have never had and I greatly encourage you to post as much about that as you can!
Thank you
*'''2009-06-05 / Incorrect Information
A few of you might have noticed that several pages contain information that is never documented in the series and was posted by well-meaning contributors. We do not mean to scare you off-your contributions are welcome! I was thinking that we could paste a little note saying that this information is imaginative and is not mentioned in the series, or something along those lines. But some just need to be deleted if it is in a character page or island page or something that did occur in the series. Thanks!
*'''2009-06-03 / Happy First Year
Well, we've made it to one year old! Thanks to everyone who edited and generally contributed to this wiki in the past 365 days, and at the moment we stand at 141 articles! Here's to the next year, we'll see what we can achieve in our second year of being online. Thanks again to everyone!
*'''2009-05-31 / Character Month for June
Starting next month, we will return with the designated months. This time we will be focusing on developing the characters' own articles. Our main aim is to eliminate all the character stub articles into ones with sufficient detail. Have fun editing!
*'''2009-04-14 / Quote Month
You've all seen it on other wikis; at the top of the page dedicated to a character is a quote that that character has said. We at Croc Wiki think that having little quotes would be a great idea. It would be fun and add character to our wiki. If you need an example, check out [[Beany The Bird|this page]].
*[[More News]]
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We have a new poll now: thanks to everyone who voted in our previous one. Click '''[[Poll Results|here]]''' to view the results.
Which Gobbo monarchisland do you think is the best ruler?
Forest Island
King Rufus
Ice Island
Caveman King
Desert Island
Cossack King
Castle Island
Inca King
Crystal Island
Sailor King