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*Clockwork Gobbo (x1)
Move up and kill the first Caveman Dantini, then jump across the lavaLava pitPit and<br />kill the second one as well. Stomp open both crystal crates, then climb up the<br />back wall in the middle, where it is covered in hand- and foot-holds. Go<br />around the rim, past the lockedLocked doorDoor to the crystal crate and smash it open<br />before crossing the bridge. Stomp on another crate on the far side, then entertheenter the cave.
Jump on top of the lower hanging grateGrate. Move to the middle, then jump up to<br />hang from the higher one, and swing back underneath it to collect the KEYGold Key.<br />Drop back down to the lower grateGrate, then move aside a little bit and do a triple<br />jump to get on top of the higher grateGrate, where you can stomp open two crystal<br />crates. Hop back down to the lower grateGrate and follow it to the end, then do a<br />long jump to the platform, then use the swingSwing ropeRope to reach the far landing.<br />Go up the tunnel and jump across the lavaLava pitsPits, the second one using the small<br />rocks as landing points. In the dead-end room, collect the RED CRYSTAL and useause a Clockwork Gobbo while standing on the gearsClockwork Gobbo iconPoint.
CC You are on top of a grateGrate that goes in a loop, around which you must
CC make one full rotation, collecting the crystals and a HEARTHeart in the
CC process. Like in all such areas, keep your wavering back and forth
CC across the path to a minimum in order to have enough momentum to reach
CC the final crystal. Ignore the Heart and crate in the distance, you'll
CC have to reach them as Croc later.
Retrace your steps through the cavern to return outdoors, then re-cross thebridgethe bridge and use your keyGold Key on the lockedLocked doorDoor there.
Head across the long bridge, and jump onto the altar on the other side to<br />collect a RACERRacing WHEELWheel. Enter the cave behind it. Smash open the platform<br />crate, and use the platforms to cross the lavaLava lakeLake. On the other side, veer<br />left to reach the gummiGummi pointPlaceholder and use a Blue Gummi to bounce up to the ledge<br />above. Grab the HEARTHeart and smash the crystal crate, but don't bother trying to<br />reach the grateGrate beyond this ledge; that's where the Clockwork Gobbo run was.<br />Jump back down and head to the other side of this landing. Smash open the<br />crystal crate, then line yourself up with the swingSwing ropeRope. Carefully jump offtheoff the far end of the swing, allowing yourself to land on the small platform.
Do a tripe jump to grab onto the grateGrate overhead. Swing along it to the center<br />of the T-junction, then drop straight down to land on a small island with a<br />crystal crate. Smash it, then turn around and jump to the island with the pink<br />balloonBalloon. Use that to return above, then swing across the rope again and jump<br />up to grab the grateGrate once more. This time, go right at the T-junction and drop<br />down to collect the GREEN CRYSTAL. Jump back up to the crate and continue to<br />the far end. Drop down, then use the swingSwing ropeRope to reach the far landing,<br />where a Caveman Dantini awaits. Get past him, then go up the tunnel, jumping<br />over lavaLava pitsPits and breaking open two crystal crates along the way. When you<br />emerge at the top, stomp on the crystal crate to your left, then do a triple<br />jump to get on top of the hangingHanging grateGrate. Cross it, collecting the loosecrystalsloose crystals, jump off the far side, and enter the unlocked door to return outside.
Kill the circling Caveman Dantini, and strike the checkpointCheckpoint gongGong here. Jump<br />across the lava and collect the crystals underneath the dinosaur skeleton. On<br />the left, use a Blue Gummi at the gummiGummi pointPlaceholder. Bounce up, kill the Caveman<br />Dantini, then jump on top of the crystal crate to collect the VIOLET CRYSTAL.<br />Smash the crate too, then jump back down and move to the edge of the lavaLava lakeLake.<br />Carefully jump onto the head of the munchingMunching creatureCreature when it swings close to<br />you, then to the second one, and then to the island with the platform crate,<br />whose platforms will make the trip back easier. Move up towards the Dinosaurs.<br />You have to hit each one twice to kill it; the first hit will only stun it<br />momentarily. Alternately, you can try to run past them, but they run faster<br />then you, and if they notice you, they'll give chase. Once you make it into the<br />ring of stones, you'll be safe from the Dinosaurs, but there's a Caveman<br />Dantini in here to take out as well. Move past the ring of stones to find a<br />KEYGold Key along the rear wall. But don't go back yet! There are several crystals,<br />including the BLUE CRYSTAL, on top of the Stonehenge-type rocks in the ring.<br />Use the smaller rocks to jump or triple jump to the big ones with the crystals.<br />Once you've collected all of them, run back across this area to re-enter thepreviousthe previous cavern.
Head up to the lockedLocked doorDoor on your current ledge and open it with your keyGold Key.<br />Cross the long bridge, then grab the RACERRacing WHEELWheel on the altar on the other<br />side. Do a triple jump from on top of the altar to the top of the left stone<br />marker to find the YELLOW CRYSTAL. Jump to the ground and touch the GoldenGobboGolden Gobbo teleportTeleportation orbOrb.
GG Run and jump to the grateGrate platform, then follow it to the far end. The
GG swinging fireballsFireballs don't all just swing perpendicularly across the
GG path; the first is somewhat diagonal, and the second swings directly in
GG line with the path. To get past that one, wait for it to swing towards
GG you, then run under and ahead of it until you're clear. Jump to the
GG landing at the end and grab the GOLDENGolden GOBBOGobbo STATUEStatue.
Enter the cave behind the altar to return to the starting area for this stage.<br />Make your way back down to the ground and exit through the cave marked with thearrowthe arrow.
=== Crystal Locations===
*Red: In the cavern where you find the first keyGold Key, continue to the end. The crystal is over the Clockwork Gobbo pointPoint.
*Green: In the cavern after collecting the first wheelRacing Wheel, go right at a junction while hanging from a grateGrate and drop down at the end.
*Violet: Above the outdoor Blue Gummi pointPlaceholder, on top of the crate.
*Blue: On top of a stone in the large Stonehenge-type ring, past the Dinosaurs.
*Yellow: On top of the stone marker to the left of the altar where you find the second racerRacing wheelWheel. Triple jump to reach it.