Module:Color contrast: Difference between revisions

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(add shorthand)
(refactor to allow this to be called from another module)
Line 120: Line 120:
-- failure, return blank
-- failure, return blank
return ''
return ''

local function colors2ratio(c1,c2)
local v1 = color2lum(c1)
local v2 = color2lum(c2)
if (type(v1) == 'number' and type(v2) == 'number') then
return (v2 + 0.05)/(v1 + 0.05)
return ''

Line 127: Line 137:

function p.ratio(frame)
function p.ratio(frame)
local r = colors2ratio(
local v1 = color2lum(frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1])
local v2 = color2lum(frame.args[2] or frame:getParent().args[2])
frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1],
frame.args[2] or frame:getParent().args[2]
if (type(v1) == 'number' and type(v2) == 'number') then
return (v2 + 0.05)/(v1 + 0.05)
if (r ~= '') then
return r
return frame.args['error'] or frame:getParent().args['error'] or '?'
return frame.args['error'] or frame:getParent().args['error'] or '?'

Revision as of 00:47, March 25, 2015

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Color contrast/doc

-- This module implements 
--  {{Color contrast ratio}}
--  {{ColorToLum}}
--  {{RGBColorToLum}}
local p = {}

local function sRGB ( v ) 
	if (v <= 0.03928) then 
		v = v / 12.92
		v = math.pow((v+0.055)/1.055, 2.4)
	return v

local function color2lum( c )
	if (c == nil) then
		return ''

local HTMLcolor = {
white = 1,
silver = 0.52711512570581,
gray = 0.2158605001139,
black = 0,
red = 0.2126,
maroon = 0.045891942324215,
yellow = 0.9278,
olive = 0.20027537200568,
lime = 0.7152,
green = 0.15438342968146,
aqua = 0.7874,
teal = 0.16996855778968,
blue = 0.0722,
navy = 0.015585128108224,
fuchsia = 0.2848,
purple = 0.061477070432439,
orange = 0.4817026703631,

gold = 0.69860877428159, 
pink = 0.63271070702466, 
lightpink = 0.58566152734898, 
hotpink = 0.34658438169715, 
deeppink = 0.23866895828276, 
palevioletred = 0.28754994117889, 
mediumvioletred = 0.14371899849357, 
lightsalmon = 0.4780675225206, 
salmon = 0.36977241527596, 
darksalmon = 0.40541471563381, 
lightcoral = 0.35522120733135, 
indianred = 0.21406134963884, 
crimson = 0.16042199953026, 
firebrick = 0.10724525535015, 
darkred = 0.054889674531132, 
orangered = 0.25516243753416, 
tomato = 0.30638612719415, 
coral = 0.37017930872924, 
darkorange = 0.40016167026524, 
lightyellow = 0.98161818392882, 
lemonchiffon = 0.94038992245622, 
lightgoldenrodyellow = 0.93348351018297, 
papayawhip = 0.87797100199835, 
moccasin = 0.80083000991567, 
peachpuff = 0.74905589878251, 
palegoldenrod = 0.78792647887614, 
khaki = 0.77012343394121, 
darkkhaki = 0.45747326349994, 
cornsilk = 0.93562110372965, 
blanchedalmond = 0.85084439608156, 
bisque = 0.80732327372979, 
navajowhite = 0.76519682342785, 
wheat = 0.74909702820482, 
burlywood = 0.51559844533893, 
tan = 0.48237604163921, 
rosybrown = 0.32319457649407, 
sandybrown = 0.46628543696283, 
goldenrod = 0.41919977809569, 
darkgoldenrod = 0.27264703559993, 
peru = 0.30113074877936, 
chocolate = 0.23898526114557, 
saddlebrown = 0.097922285020521, 
sienna = 0.13697631337098, 
brown = 0.098224287876511,
    -- whitespace
    c = c:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' )
	-- lowercase
	c = c:lower()
	-- first try to look it up
	local L = HTMLcolor[c]
	if (L ~= nil) then
		return L
	-- remove leading # (if there is one) and whitespace
	c = mw.ustring.match(c, '^[%s#]*([a-f0-9]*)[%s]*$')

	-- split into rgb
	local cs = mw.text.split(c or '', '')
	if( #cs == 6 ) then
	 	local R = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[1]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[2]))/255 )
		local G = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[3]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[4]))/255 )
		local B = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[5]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[6]))/255 )
		L = 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
		return L
	elseif ( #cs == 3 ) then
	 	local R = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[1]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[1]))/255 )
		local G = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[2]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[2]))/255 )
		local B = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[3]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[3]))/255 )
		L = 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
		return L
	-- failure, return blank
	return ''

local function colors2ratio(c1,c2)
	local v1 = color2lum(c1)
	local v2 = color2lum(c2)
	if (type(v1) == 'number' and type(v2) == 'number') then
		return (v2 + 0.05)/(v1 + 0.05)
		return ''

function p.lum(frame)
	return color2lum(frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1])

function p.ratio(frame)
	local r = colors2ratio(
		frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1],
		frame.args[2] or frame:getParent().args[2]
	if (r ~= '') then
		return r
		return frame.args['error'] or frame:getParent().args['error'] or '?'
return p