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[[File:Croc Legend of the Gobbos (PC) - Island 2 Level 1 (The Ice of Life)|thumb|left|250 px]]
Carefully jump to the rotating platforms, then to the solid one ahead. Make a
short jump so you don't fall off the other side. Jump on top of the monkeyMonkey
barsBars and tail swipe or just avoid the Stomping Dantini. When he stomps, if
you're near him while hanging underneath the monkeyMonkey barsBars, you'll fall off and
drown in the icy waters. Taking him out doesn't work, since he'll regenerate
before you get all the way across and back, so instead wait under the end of
the monkeyMonkey barsBars for the Stomping Dantini to go to the far side, then jump up and grab
them, then swing across the row as he moves closer to you. Wait a bit of a
ways away while he stomps, then quickly move under him and as far out as
possible before he stomps again. The last gem under the monkeyMonkey barsBars is the RED
CRYSTAL. The crate by the monkeyMonkey barsBars holds GOBBO #1. To get back on top, jump up
near the edge of the monkeyMonkey barsBars so that Croc grabs the edge to hoist up. Jump
across the platforms to the door, opposite where you started in this room. Indoors, swing under the monkeyMonkey barsBars and drop off the far side. PushMove the arrowPush crateBox backover to the monkeyMonkey barsBars and use it to get on top of them. Grab the KEYSilver Key, the GREEN CRYSTAL from just past the key, and smash the crate to get GOBBO #2. PushMove the arrowPush crateBox along its path to climb up to the Jelly, then bounce to the top. There's a difficult jump now from the Jelly to a crumbling platform. Put the camera angle in a high position to help you see where you're going. Once across, smash the crate for the BLUE CRYSTAL and GOBBO #3. Through the door, smash the crate and carefully jump to the moving platforms. Go straight across, kill the Rats, and smash the crates along the way to find the YELLOW CRYSTAL. Circle around the path to reach the balloonBalloon you may have noticed off to the side. By the exit door, the crate contains GOBBO #4. Back outside, pass the gongBeany Gong and grab the monkeyMonkey barsBars leading away from it. Underneath, you'll get the PURPLE CRYSTAL. On the other side, go and free GOBBO #5 with the keySilver Key you found a while back. Watch the path here, it's icy, and you'll go sliding off the edge as you run toward the cage if you're not careful. go through the crystalCrystal doorDoor once you've got everything. Inside there, jump to the rotating platforms and off the far side. Kill the Ice Dantini (jump over the snowballs he throws at you) and grab the crates, then press the redRed buttonButton. Go back to the rotating platforms and take the newly- minted platforms off to the side in a series of careful jumps. Make a long jump to the end, get GOBBO #6 from the crate and slide to the beanyBeany gongGong to exit.
*The first Gobbo is in the first area in the [[Smash Box]] on the right of the [[Monkey Bars]].
*The second Gobbo is in the second area in the Smash Box on top of the Monkey Bars. Don't forget to get the Silver Key, which is on top of the Smash Box in the second area on the Monkey Bars.
*The third Gobbo is in the Smash Box at the end of the second area.
*The fourth Gobbo is in the Smash Box at the end of the third area.
*The fifth Gobbo is in a cageCage in the fourth area. The keySilver Key is on top of the Smash Box in the second area on the Monkey Bars.
===[[Coloured Crystals]]===
*The redRED crystalCRYSTAL is disguised as a white crystal and is the furthest one away under the Monkey Bars.
*The greenGREEN crystalCRYSTAL is also disguised as is on top of the Monkey Bars in the second area.
*The blueBLUE crystalCRYSTAL is on a Smash Box at the end of the second area.
*The yellowYELLOW crystalCRYSTAL is in the second Smash Box in the third area.
*The pinkPURPLE crystalCRYSTAL is disguised as a white crystal and is the last one under the Monkey Bars in the fourth area.