Caveman Secret 1

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File:Croc 2 (PC) - Secret Caveman Village

This is the first level on the secret caveman village.This level is where the "Find the Wheels in the Jungle!" level normaly is in the normal village.


In this level there are 6 normal dantinis and 6 swinging dantinis.


The first thing you see is a dantini next to a small lava pit, kill the dantini and jump over the lava pit, then kill the two other dantinis and jump on the monkeybars. Once you've reached the monkeybars, you must kill the swinging dantini and then walk along the monkey bars until you reach the point where the top and bottom monkeybars meet, then jump on the top monkeybars and kill the swinging dantini.Then you turn around and walk along the monkeybars.Then you kill the swinging dantini and reach the key, then you turn around and walk along the monkeybars until the point where the top and bottom monkeybars meet, then you jump down on the bottom monkeybars and walk along them, then you kill a swinging dantini and then you hop & flip (L1 + R1) to the platform across.Then you kill the swinging dantini and use it's rope to get to the other side. Once there, kill the dantini and then follow the hallway.In the hallway you will have to jump over lava pits and kill a dantini. Once you exit the hallway you kill the dantini and then open the cage and take the red crystal.