Croc: Legend of the Gobbos - March 1997 Prototype: Difference between revisions

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While underwater, Croc attacks similar to the 180 degree flip.
The first three levels have the same level titles as the Tech Demo. The levels in brackets are the 'minics' of the levels in the final game. The first title usually represent the type of level it is, which are usually Forest, Ice, Desert, Castle, Cave, Dungeon, Water or Boulder. Many will crash or cannot be played or completed, which are usually indicated in red.
{| border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="article-table article-table-selected" style="width: 500px;"
! scope="col"|Code and Island
! scope="col"|Levels
! scope="col"|ContainsDescription
| colspan="1" rowspan="37"|0 - (Testing Island)
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|48 0 - Boss 4 Balloon - Default New Map
|A beta Fosley level. It is set in a cave with Fosley in the middle throwing his Fosley Bombs. There are window patterns on the floor and untextured platforms which will bounce like the finished ones in the final version, except Croc cannot bounce on them. There is also a strange wall of rows of 0s which can be viewed on one side. It has not been confirmed as to whether Croc can defeat Fosley.
| style="background-color: red;"|49 0 - Cave - Boulder 5
| style="background-color: red;"|Croc dies when starting the level.
|49 1 - Cave - Default New Map
|Sn unfinished cave with sticking out parts an 0s on the floor. There is lava, but not much can be done in this level.
| style="background-color: RED;"|49 2 - Cave - Default New Map
| style="background-color: RED;"|Croc dies when starting the level.
| style="background-color: RED;"|49 3 - Cave - Default New Map
| style="background-color: RED;"|Croc dies when starting the level.
|49 4 - Cave - Default New Map
|A cave almost identical to 49 1, with 0s on the floor.
| style="background-color: red;"|49 5 - Cave - Bould03 Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Croc dies when starting the level.
| style="background-color: red;"|49 6 - Cave - Default New Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on loading screen.
| style="background-color: red;"|49 7 - Cave - Default New Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on loading screen.
| style="background-color: red;"|49 8 - Cave - Default New Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on loading screen.
|50 - 0 - No Level - Default New Map
|A Forest area with lava, a platform which loops and hovers over lava, Smash Boxes, crystals and a Gobbo on Monkey Bars. At the end are doors leading to 50 1, causing the game to crash on the loading screen.
| style="background-color: red;"|50 1 - Water - Enter Atlantis 2
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on loading screen.
|50 2 - Water - Enter Atlantis 2
|An underwater cave with 2 Hammerhead Sharks, crystal contained Oysters (removed), a Gobbo inside a Bubble within a cage with no key, and a spike-textured ceiling which is non-interactive. The cave behind Croc supposedly leads to 50 1, but crashes. In the area, there is a hole leading up but contains nothing.
|50 3 - Forest - Atlantis 4
|A forest area containing platforms over lava and three vertical fires (removed). At the end of the platforms is a Gobbo. The doors behind Croc supposedly lead to 50 2, but crash on the loading screen. This is probably because there is no exit through 50 2 to 50 3.
|51 0 - Desert - Sludge Basin
|A desert cave area, with three vine like things falling from the ceiling occasionally. There are three more coming up from the ground. There are also three cracked Platforms above poison pools, a red Popper and Locked Door (the key is in 51 1 through the well). The platforms lead to a red Bag of Life. There are three vertical flames (removed). There are more falling vine things before a Desert well leading to 51 1.
|51 1 - Water - Sludge Basin
|An underwater area with a pirahna, wooden doors (which are never seen in the final game), electric fences, Oysters (removed), a fat purple fish (removed), a gold Key (for the Locked Door in 51 0) and a Gobbo in a bubble.
| style="background-color: red;"|51 2 - Desert - Level 2 S3
| style="background-color: red;"|Croc dies when starting the level.
|51 3 - Water - Default New Map
|An underwater level the same as 51 1 except there is no gold Key.
|52 0 - Cave - Dinner Time
|A cave level with platforms over lava, Monkey Bars, a Spider and a Gobbo. At the end are doors to 52 1.
|52 1 - Water - Dinner Time
|An underwater area with Oysers (removed), a Pirahna, a vertical electric bolt (removed), two Gobbos in bubbles and an exit leading to 52 2.
|52 2 - Whale - Inside Whale
|A dark scenery containing the inside of a Whale!  You can see its teeth, tongue and there are untextured platforms. There is also a stationary Ghost which hurts Croc when touched. The green acid is harmful to Croc and there is no exit.
|52 3 - Water - Dinner Time
|Underwater with a Pirahna, electric fences, a Gobbo in a bubble and a Gong at the end.
|53 0 - Forest - Atlantis
|A Forest area with platforms, lava, two crystals in the lava and a Pelican (removed, appeared in the [[Croc Tech Demo|Tech Demo]]). The other side can't be reached unless you land on one of the crystals in the lava, which causes Croc to lose a life but keep the crystal, which Croc can then jump in the lava once without dying. The Pelican will often swoop down and attack Croc. At the end is an exit to 53 1.
|53 1 - Cave - Atlantis
|A cave with lava, platforms, corridors leading to a Gobbo, and a Mummy before the doors to 53 2. Mummies are only seen in Desert areas in the final game.
|53 2 - Water - Atlantis
|An underwater area with tunnels, a Pirahna, a Gobbo in a bubble and a cave exit to 53 3.
|53 3 - Cave - Atlantis
|Croc jumps from a green well (in the final game, he never jumps into other area through green wells). There are vertical flames (removed) and a Gobbo, with a Gong at the end.
|54 0 - Ice - Avalanche Escape
|An outside Ice area with freezing water, platforms, a Monkey (removed, and seen in a [[Croc: Legend of the Gobbos Beta Releases|testing level]]), a vertical electric bolt (removed), an a cave exit to 54 1.
|54 1 - Ice - Avalance Escape.
|A slightly dark outside Ice area with lands of Ice, more Monkeys (removed), platforms, a Gobbo and a small twisty ice slide at the end with a cave exit to 54 2.
|54 2 - Water - Avalanche Escape
|An underwater area with more electric fences (including one that seems to be set off), a Gobbo in a bubble, a Gong and another exit with spears poking out periodically (removed) but do not harm Croc, and lead to 54 3.
|54 3 - Water - Avalanche Escape
|An underwater area with a spiked ceiling (removed, does not harm Croc), a Smash Box and three fans which do not harm Croc (removed).
|55 0 - Ice - Trapped Under Ice 1
|A cliff ice area with a Dog, platforms, a red Bag of Life and a Button but it is unknown as to what it does. At the end are doors to 55 1.
|55 1 - Water - Trapped Under Ice 2
|An underwater area with electric fences, vertical electric bolts (removed) and an exit.
|55 2 - Ice - Trapped Under Ice 3
|An outside ice area with tornados (only appears in Desert levels in final game), along with another exit to 55 4 and a Locked Door (the key is in 55 5). The game crashes when entering it (55 3).
|55 3 - Water - Trapped Under Ice 4
|Crashes on loading screen.
|55 4 - Water - Trapped Under Ice 5
|A cave underwater with a spiked ceiling (removed, does not harm Croc), a Hammerhead Shark and the gold Key at the end.
|56 0 - Boss 5 Neptuna - Tuna Tank
|As the title suggests, this is a beta level containing Neptuna. It only contains the arena itself, which looks very much like the final version, but the outside area is black. Neptuna seems to throw bolts all the time rather than just after two hits. After defeating Neptuna, the level does not end.
|57 0 - No Level - No Map
|Cannot be played upon Map Screen.
|58 0 - Cave - Secret 1A
|A cave with two exits (58 1 and the right ends the level and brings up 0 0 on the Map Screen), a corridor with occasional spears falling down (removed), spiders, a Ghost which does not move but harms Croc (only appears in Desert Crystal Door Challenges in final, which doesn't harm Croc), platforms over lava, a red Bag of Life and 0s can be seen before the lava on the floor.
|58 1 - Cave - Secret 1A
|A cave with a Button, a vertical flame (removed), a platform (activated by the button), which contains another vertical flame and a box with only 1 crystal (usually 5 or 10 in final game).
|59 0 - Cave - Secret 2A
|A cave with platforms above lava, three red Bags of Life, but no exit.
|60 0 - No Level - Default New Map
|A stormy dark outside Forest area (never appeared in the final game), with Bricks (only red in final), two vertical bolts of lightning similar to ones seen in the final Castle Island, and a door leading to 60 1 at the end.
|60 1 -
|An area with similar theme to 60 0, but there are several large and tall Climbable Walls ahead (never this size or tall in final). Each one contains Smash Boxes to the sides with a Gobbo and door leading to 60 2 at the top.
|60 2 -
A dungeon with a corridor with electric bolts to the side (never appeared in dungeons in final), with an Inflated Creature area and three doors at the end. You can go back through the doors but the Inflated Creature doesn't return.
The left (60 3): Contains three Mechanical Robots like in Dungeon of Defright in the final game, but texture errors cause parts of Smash Boxes to appear around them occasionally. Also contains a Gobbo and Gong. Can be returned through other door.
The middle (60 6): Contains a Gobbo and a Gong.
The right (60 4): A room with 4 Smash Boxes containing 20 crystals each (only up to 10 in final), five red Bags of Life, a Gobbo and a Gong. If you access this level from the Map Screen and go back through the door, the Inflated Creature and level is seen through the door but cannot be entered. You also cannot go back.
|60 5 -
|a dungeon with electric fences (never seen in dungeons in final), Robotic Ogres, a Locked Door (60 6), a gold Key (in a Cage but can be claimed when standing on top of the cage), another cage with a Gobbo,
| style="background-color: red;"|60 6 -
| style="background-color: red;"|Croc falls continuously, can only be accesed through 60 2 (see above).
| style="background-color: red;"|61 0 - Castle - Gobbo Gobbo Let Down You Hare
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on loading screen.
|61 1 Castle - Gobbo Gobbo Let Down You Hare
|A castle area with a stack of metal Boxes, but they dont' harm Croc. Above them is a Button which causes an untextured Platform to move to take Croc to the next door (61 2).
|61 2 Castle - Gobbo Gobbo Let Down You Hare
|An area similar to one in The Tower of Power. There are untextured platforms, uncluding Desert themed ones which are actually cracked platforms, bricks textured as 0s, a stationary Ghost which blocks Croc from going further in the level and Monkey Bars.
| style="background-color: red;"|61 3 Castle - Gobbo Gobbo Let Down You Hare
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on loading screen.
| style="background-color: red;"|61 4 Castle - Gobbo Gobbo Let Down You Hare
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on loading screen.
|61 5 Dungeon - Gobbo Gobbo Let Down You Hare
|A dungeon level with a series of corridors, three Gobbos and a Gong.
|62 0 - Castle - Ballistic Meg's Lair
|A castle area with what is supposed to be Ballistic Meg modelling Ballistic Meg's Fairway.. Instead of a trail of fire, pink squares are seen. Gargoyles, Axes and Platform Pete's Platforms are seen (but stationary and stay on smooth). A door leads to the end.
|62 1 - Castle - Ballistic Meg's Lair
|Another Ballistic Meg, Monkey Bars and three doors (62 2 and 62 3) including a Locked Door (the key is in the  ).
|62 2 - Castle - Ballistic Meg's Lair
|Accessed through the front door in 62 1. Contains the gold Key and several Ballistic Megs, as well as a Gobbo in a cage (with no silver Key).
| style="background-color: red;"|62 3 Castle - Ballistic Meg's Lair
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on loading screen.
|62 4 Castle - Ballistic Meg's Lair
|More platforms and Monkey Bars with a Ballistic Meg and Gong at the end.
|63 0 - Castle - Platform Pete's Lair
|Very similar to the final version except his platforms have sixteen spikes on its side instead of four. Also, some platforms stop at its side. The spikes do not hurt Croc.
| style="background-color: red;"|63 1 - Castle - Platform Pete's Lair
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on loading screen.
|63 2 - Castle - Platform Pete's Lair
|More of Platform Pete.
|63 3 Castle - Platform Pete's Lair
|Contains an area with two Swipe Swiftlys, who will slowly approach Croc, but does not harm him and cannot be killed. Also contains red staircases slightly different to the final, and must be jumped to escalate, as well as a Gobbo.
|64 0 Castle - Platform Pete's Lair
|Area similar to the final of Panic at Platform Pete's Lair, but there are two large Platforms (never large in final), as well as a Gobbo and Gong at the end.
| style="background-color: red;"|65 0 - No Level - No Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Cannot be played.
|66 0 - Boss 6 Dante - Default New Map
|Baron Dante's arena, with a strange white circular block in the middle.
|66 1 Boss 6 Dante - Default New Map
|Dante's arena with Dante, but he will be frozen at the start for a while. The arena seems larger than the final. He will run into a wall and Croc can attack him three times to complete. After completion the game will load to 66 2 but Croc continuously falls.
|66 2 Boss 6 Dante - Default New Map
|Contains Dante standing on the block seen in 66 0. He occasionally spits electric sparks at Croc. Touching the block hurts Croc. Croc cannot defeat Dante.
| style="background-color: red;"|67 0 - No Level - No Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Cannot be played.
| style="background-color: red;"|68 0 - No Level - No Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Cannot be played.
| style="background-color: red;"|69 0 - No Level - No Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Cannot be played.
| style="background-color: red;"|70 0 - Water - Trapped Under Ice 4
| style="background-color: red;"|Crashes on Loading screen.
| style="background-color: RED;"|71 0 to 75 0 - No Level - Default New Map
| style="background-color: RED;"|Cannot be played.
|76 0 -
|A beta of Secret Sentinel. The scenery texture looks slightly different, the platforms are more round and spin, Sentinel doesn't attack, seems smaller like in the outro in the final and floats around, and there are no crystals or Gongs.
| style="background-color: red;"|77 0 to 78 0 - No Level - Default New Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Cannot be played.
| style="background-color: red;"|79 0 - Forest - Default Blank Map
| style="background-color: red;"|Cannot be played.
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