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|Row 7 info = [[Ghost Race Challenge]] ([[Bonus Area]])
|Row 8 info = [[Mud Pit Mania]]
|Row 9 info = [[The Deadly Tank of Neptuna]]}}
|Row 9 info = [[The Deadly Tank of Neptuna]]}}Goin' Underground is the third [[level]] of the [[Desert Island]] in [[Croc: Legend of the Gobbos]], and the twenty-third overall. As with all normal levels, there are 6 [[Gobbos]] to collect.
[[File:Croc Legend of the Gobbos (PC) - Island 3 Level 3 (Goin Underground)|thumb|left|250 px]]
Watch the pattern and timing of the intermittent platforms over the lavaLava pitPit.
One appears as the other drops, so jump to the first, wait, then jump to where
the other one is about to appear. From there, jump to the ground, then pass
the door on the side and hit the redRed buttonButton. Now return to the lavaLava pitPit, jump
to the closest intermittent platform, quick-turn and jump up to the platform
above, where you'll grab the RED CRYSTAL. At the end of the tunnel, there's a
crateSmash withBox that contains GOBBO #1, and a lockedLocked doorDoor that you can't open yet. So, all that's
left is the normal door for you to go through.
There's another door to your left, but ignore it for now. Instead, cross the
raftsRafts as they appear in front of you, then take the series of three platforms
that seems to lead to nowhere in the corner. Stay on the last one and you'll
move across the room. Jump to the stack of cratesSmash Boxes at the end and get the GREEN
CRYSTAL from the bottom one. From there, cross the crumbling blocks to GOBBO #2
and ride the raftsRafts back to the entrance to this room. Now, take the second
door. The two cratesSmash Boxes that sit in front of you where you enter hold GOBBO #3 and the YELLOW CRYSTAL. Now,
watch the pattern of moving platforms ahead and make sure they're in place to
grant you access to the stable platforms as you go out to the keyGold Key and back.
Once you'vere done, go out the door, through the other door beside it, and down
the tunnel to the lockedLocked doorDoor in the starting area.
Inside, hit the redRed buttonButton to start a timer. Immediately hop onto the steeringDriving
platformPlatform and ride it to the far right ledge to hit the buttonRed Button there before the
alarm goes off. This pattern continues with buttonsRed Buttons then appearing in the near
left ledge, the near right, then the far left. Once you've hit all 5five buttonsRed Buttons,
a platforms appears back near the entrance that lets you reach the high crateSmash Box,
containing GOBBO #4. Enter the other door to continue. Inside, pass the cageCage
and jump into the water.
Underwater, destroy the left Swimming Dantini and smash the crate beside him for the
PURPLE CRYSTAL. Go to the opposite side to get the SILVERSilver KEYKey and then re-enter the
tunnel to leave the water. Above, open the cageCage and hit the redRed buttonButton. Climb
the platforms that have appeared over the land. At the top, cross the lavaLava pitPit
via the crumbling platform and hit the redRed buttonButton, then return. Climb
underneath the monkeyMonkey barsBars, staying well away from the Stomping Dantini when he
stomps, and drop onto GOBBO #5 at the end. Go back the same way (if the
Stomping Dantini knocks you, you still live, since it's safe ground below). Smash the
first crate to find the BLUE CRYSTAL, which will let you now open the crystalCrystal 
Inside, yes, it's another Ghost raceRace Challenge. When you reach the Jelly, you can opt to
take the crumbling platform to the side to reach the SILVERSilver KEYKey first, then
return and use the jellyJelly to make a long jump to the next column. If you opted
instead to follow the Ghost's path and do the Jelly jump in the first place,
you get a balloonBalloon ride back to the exit pathway.
*The first Gobbo is by the Locked Door in the first area in a [[Smash Box]].
*The second Gobbo is on a platform over lavaLava in the second area.
*The third Gobbo is inside the left [[Smash Box]] in the third area.
*The fourth Gobbo is in the floating [[Smash Box]] in the fourth area.
*The fifth Gobbo is on a floating platform under the monkeyMonkey barsBars in the fifth area.
*The sixth Gobbo is obtained in the [[Crystal Door Challenge]] as a [http://croc.wikia.com/wiki/Ghost_Race_Challenge Ghost Race Challenge]. Go through the area as fast as you can and you will reach the Silver Key. Then, go back and find the cageCage and collect the Gobbo.
===[[Coloured Crystals]]===
*The RedRED CrystalCRYSTAL is disguised as a White Crystal and sits on top of a Platformplatform in the first area.
*In the second area there are two [[Smash Boxes]] stacked on top of each other, the greenGREEN CrystalCRYSTAL is inside the bottom one.
*The YellowYELLOW CrystalCRYSTAL is inside the [[Smash Box]] on the right of the door in the third area.
*The PurplePURPLE CrystalCRYSTAL is in the [[Smash Box]] in the underwater area.
*The BlueBLUE CrystalCRYSTAL is in the [[Smash Box]] closest to the lavaLava in the fifth area.
Line 95 ⟶ 96:
* 90x White [[Crystals]] (35 before the [[Crystal Door]] and 55 in the [[Ghost Race Game|Ghost Race ]]Challenge, but it is impossible to get them all).
* 6x [[Gobbo]]s
* 5x [[Coloured Crystals]]
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