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Sailor Village
WalkingCroc Croc Splash Distressed Gobbo EmptyBoat forcing door (2) setting level flag Smash Box toolbox Clipboard Gobbo level_flag = Reward Gobbo Topdialog off trampoline tramp collider Trampoline Gobbo Gobbo King 2 Throwable Gobbo Pickup Bubbles CBKDoorTrigger wattack = catt= Gobbo Says Hub 1 Heart Pot
Swap Meet Pete
SMP Croc Check Fade Done SMP Camera Croc Nexttribe heart pot heart smpflag = SMPNewWorld = SMPNewWorld = NEXT TRIBE
Find the Key! Save the Gobbo!
Talking Gobbo BambooCage Swinging Rope CWG P power surface = ClockworkGobbo Balloon Image BalloonSlide Smash Box Cave CameraPC Smash Box GooSteamer Goo Steam 1 Hippo Bottom HeartEffect HeartFountain Heart Zap Dantini Rope Swinging Dantini Swinging Dantini Vanilla Dantini Hippo Head Hippo Platform BackToHubSign JellyPointController Me = Blue Jump Gummi Green Jump Gummi Red Jump Gummi Crumbling Bits cave Crumbling Platform cave JungleBridgeColl1 JungleBridgeColl2 bong GongGonger Gong Disk GONG crystal GGEffect Golden Gobbo GGWaitForCroc bonusroomwarp bcrysound bonus crystal Special Golden Gobbo