Hassle in the Castle

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Stairs are generaly seen as the icon for this level

Hassle in the Castle is the second level of Castle Island. Overall, it is the 32nd level of the game. Stairs are the icon for this level.


  • 42x White Crystals
  • 6x Gobbos
  • 5x Coloured Crystals
  • 3x 1UPs


Bonus Area

You should land on or grab the edge of a small lonely platform that transports you to a bonus area. In the bonus area, go up the stairs. At the first landing, jump across the crumbling platform on your right to reach a ONE-UP. Turn around and wait for the platform to regenerate before jumping back to the landing. Keep going up the stairs, and repeat this at the next landing. At the top of the stairs, be careful not to touch the sparkling stars before you get a chance to jump out to the third ONE-UP, then use them to return to the regular level.



  • The level's title refers to a Scooby-Doo cartoon film from 1969 sharing the same title.

See Also