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The typical Island Gobbo.

The Gobbos are a race of cute little fuzzballs native to Forest Island and the Mainland. They are the creatures that rescued Croc. The Gobbos are ruled by several different kings, each king ruling a portion of Gobbo land. The king of the Archipelago Gobbos, which inhabit the Forest Island in The Gobbo Archipelago, is named King Rufus, while the names of the different kings of the Mainland are unknown. We can, however, refer to them as the Inca King, Caveman King, Sailor King, etc. There are four tribes of Gobbos in Croc 2: the Sailor Tribe, the Cossack Tribe, the Caveman Tribe, and the Inca Tribe. Each of the tribes is preoccupied with a certain culture which is reflected in their environment. According to Croc lore, Gobbos are a marginalized people in the Croc universe.

Archipelago Gobbos

These Gobbos have little or no clothes, are showing their tails, appear to have cultures of their own, and are brown in color.


Beliefs and Practices

An ancient ritual, at the start of every new year, the Gobbo high priestess would announce which kitchen utensil would bring them good luck if put down the front of their pants/trousers (even though it has been proved that Gobbos wore nothing). Only a few years are known by modern Gobbos. They are:

  • Year of the Electric Can Opener (This was the first year when many Gobbos began to question the practice.)
  • Year of the Three Minute Egg Timer (Apparently the most fun the Gobbos ever had in a year)
  • Year of the Soupspoon (The year of Croc's arrival and the Invasion of Gobbo Valley)


The Gobbos have been known to invent certain objects, and some of their best were:

  • Edible Deodorant
  • Wind-Powered Cow Moistener

Mainland Gobbos

The mainland Gobbos have no tails or are hiding them, they wear clothes, and they seem to mimic different groups and races of humans, and are an orange color. They also appear to be much larger than islander Gobbos (easily two feet taller). This is evident when in Croc 2 the Mainland Gobbos are almost as tall as Croc, while in Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, the Gobbos are only a third of Croc's height.


Village Hierarchy

The Mainland Gobbos have a hierarchy which the Gobbos there strictly adhere to. The King of the village is the leader of the village, with his subjects being at the second highest level. Below them are the normal Gobbos.


Like the islander Gobbos, the mainland variants are able to speak, and seem more adapted to a language than their islander counterparts. The gibberish "voices" for the Gobbos and other characters in Croc 2 were created from recording words in English, and then chopping them up and mixing them around in order to achieve a 'babbling' effect.

Sailor Gobbos

See: Sailor Village Sailor Gobbos are the first of the mainland Gobbos that Croc encounters. They import Ginger Soda from outside sources, and enjoy boat races and fishing. They also run the most unsuccessful navy in the history of the planet, since Gobbos don't like getting wet. [1]

Cossack Gobbos

See: Cossack Village Cossack Gobbos are the second of the mainland Gobbos that Croc encounters. They are fun loving Gobbos with the knowledge to create a working train.

Cave Gobbos

See: Caveman Village Cave Gobbos (also known as Caveman Gobbos) are the third of the mainland Gobbos that Croc encounters. They are mostly more primitive Gobbos, though they do have a Gobbo who acts as a car mechanic.

Inca Gobbos

See: Inca Village Inca Gobbos are the fourth and final of the mainland Gobbos that Croc encounters. They are considered to be the oldest and wisest of all Gobbos.

Cowboy Gobbos

See: Cowboy Village There was to be a fifth Gobbo Village in Croc 2, with a western theme. It would have been inhabited by Cowboy and Native American Gobbos. Unfortunately, it did not make it into the final game, it was cut out early in the development for an unknown reason. Although these Gobbos were not in Croc 2, a Cowboy Gobbo did make it into several official artworks for Croc 2. It was most likely at first planned to be in the game, but was scratched very early on in the development because it isn't featured in any screenshots or videos of Croc 2.


  • As shown by the Sailor King, Gobbos believe the world is flat, "like pancake."
  • Some Mainland Gobbos seem to not know anything about the Gobbo Archipelago, made clear when the Sailor King said "we are only Gobbos in world."
  • The Mainland Gobbos have much more advanced technology than the Archipelago Gobbos. Such as speed boats, hang gliders, lava lamps, trains, sewer systems, dynamite, go-karts, hot air balloons, cannons, Ginger Soda, and even planes. While the Archipelago Gobbos show no sign of even imagining these things.
  • In the logo for Argonaut Software Ltd., four Gobbos appear on-screen, one on the left, jumps on the blower, and repeats until it blows up, sending them off-screen.

Official Bios

Croc Mobile: Jungle Rumble! Bio

"Gobbos are small furry creatures who inhabit Forest Island where Croc was found. They live a mostly peaceful life, with only Baron Dante and his minions causing them harm."

See also



Characters in Croc
Good Guys Beany the BirdCrocCroc's FamilyDinosaurElephantGobbosGobbos (Volcanic Panic)Gobbo MonarchsHippoProfessor GobboLava Lamp LarryMammothKing RufusSwap Meet PetePrincess TaraTree SnakeWitch Doctor Gobbo
Big Bads Baron Dante (Secret Sentinel) • Cactus JackCannon Boat KeithChumly the Rocket ManFirepit MonsterFlavioFlibbyFosleyGoo Man ChuItsy the Ice DemonNeptunaSoveena the SquidTooty the FeebleVenus Fly Von-TrappeVillage Masher
Other Bad Guys Ballistic MegBalloon ManBatsBeaversBirdsCrabsCrowDantinisFireballFishFly-trapFosleyFrogGhostGhost FreezerGoo creatureGrimmyHammy Head SharkHusky DooJack o LanternJellyfishJonnie Bee GoodeJumpyMechanical RobotMud GobberMummyPenguinPlatform PetePolar BearsRaptorRatRhinoRobot Fist GuardScorpionSnakesSnowballSpiderSwipe SwiftlyUnga BungasVampire FishWaspsWormsWorm in a WellZombie Prisoner
Items & Collectables in Croc
Croc BalloonsBONUS LettersCagesColoured CrystalsCrystalsGobbosHeartsJigsaw PiecesJelly JumpKeys
Croc 2 BalloonsBinocularsCagesClockwork GobboColoured CrystalsCrocodile EggsCrystalsCrystal BallGolden GobboGobbosHeartsHeart PotsJigsaw PiecesJelly Jump / Gummi SaversKeysSwap Meet Pete Loyalty CardTail of the Phoenix
Other Games CagesCroc's PhoneCrystalsGobbos (Volcanic Panic/Jungle Rumble) • HeartsKeys