Balloon Man

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Balloon Man
Species Unknown

The Balloon Man is a character found in Croc: Legend of the Gobbos. In certain levels, Croc is given a green pump and several doors which can only be opened by pushing the inflatable creature to a door and repeatedly jumping on the pump to inflate the balloon man. Eventually, the creature will overinflate and explode, blasting down the door. The creature will respawn after it bursts if no door has been destroyed. However, once a door has been opened the creature will not respawn. As such the remaining doors cannot be opened only allowing Croc to pass through the one door that has been unless he reenters the level.



  • During the production logos after booting the game, there is an animation of four Gobbos inflating a balloon with the Argonaut logo on it. They happen to be using the same green pump used to inflate the Balloon Men.
  • The pump is able to inflate the Balloon Man, despite there being no visible hose attaching the two.

Size Comparisons

Progression Picture
Base Size:
One Pump:
Several Pumps:
Just Before Popping:


Characters in Croc
Good Guys Beany the BirdCrocCroc's FamilyDinosaurElephantGobbosGobbos (Volcanic Panic)Gobbo MonarchsHippoProfessor GobboLava Lamp LarryMammothKing RufusSwap Meet PetePrincess TaraTree SnakeWitch Doctor Gobbo
Big Bads Baron Dante (Secret Sentinel) • Cactus JackCannon Boat KeithChumly the Rocket ManFirepit MonsterFlavioFlibbyFosleyGoo Man ChuItsy the Ice DemonNeptunaSoveena the SquidTooty the FeebleVenus Fly Von-TrappeVillage Masher
Other Bad Guys Ballistic MegBalloon ManBatsBeaversBirdsCrabsCrowDantinisFireballFishFly-trapFosleyFrogGhostGhost FreezerGoo creatureGrimmyHammy Head SharkHusky DooJack o LanternJellyfishJonnie Bee GoodeJumpyMechanical RobotMud GobberMummyPenguinPlatform PetePolar BearsRaptorRatRhinoRobot Fist GuardScorpionSnakesSnowballSpiderSwipe SwiftlyUnga BungasVampire FishWaspsWormsWorm in a WellZombie Prisoner
Interactive Elements in Croc
Croc BalloonsBalloon ManBeany GongBoxCageClimbable WallDoorElephantHazardsItemsJellyMonkey BarsPlatformRaftsRed BricksSmash BoxSparkling StarsSwitchTorchWells
Croc 2 BalloonsBoxClimbable WallClockwork GobboDoorGummi SaversHazardsItemsJellyMonkey BarsPlatformSmash BoxSwitch
Other Games BalloonsButtonCagesHazardsItemsJelly