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Croc jumping on a button.

A Button (also known as a Switch) is red and is often found in some levels which when jumped on will activate a certain action, such as making platforms move or appear.

Switches are referred to when they carry out an action and reset after a short time, allowing Croc to re-press the switch should he fail to reach or complete the objective in the given time.

Interactive Elements in Croc
Croc BalloonsBalloon ManBeany GongBoxCageClimbable WallDoorElephantHazardsItemsJellyMonkey BarsPlatformRaftsRed BricksSmash BoxSparkling StarsSwitchTorchWells
Croc 2 BalloonsBoxClimbable WallClockwork GobboDoorGummi SaversHazardsItemsJellyMonkey BarsPlatformSmash BoxSwitch
Other Games BalloonsButtonCagesHazardsItemsJelly