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Hello I am Crocrocks, well that is obvious but I think Croc, Ace Combat, GTA and Timesplitters and Call of Duty plus many others are the best games series ever to come out.

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos is a wicked game and Argonaut made Croc 2 all wierd as Croc in Croc 2 is harder to control and Croc 1 is just the best of the 2

I wish Croc would be brought out of retirement and go on to the new consoles for example the Xbox 360 (Could you imagine the graphics?!)

Crocrocs wrote:

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos is a wicked game and Argonaut made Croc 2 all wierd as Croc in Croc 2 is harder to control and        
Croc 1 is just the best of the 2

Well, the Croc 2 pc version is MUCH easier to control and that makes it a lot more fun. You should try that! Anyway, welcome to the team. And why don't you post your ideas on the Croc Ideas page? Then we could list it. Be sure to edit here!-CrocadoodleDoo!