Right-handed punch, Double punch on floor, swinging punch
In the level Fight Night with Flibby, during the boss fight with Flibby, he has three attack styles. Each punch style occurs depending on how many attacks Croc has done so far.
Itsy uses a stomp attack during a single and double version of Itsy in the boss level Chumly's Snow Den. As four Itsy's, they roll towards Croc in order to attack him.
In The Deadly Tank of Neptuna, Neptuna swings his trident at Croc and fires electric bolts at Croc. He is the only other boss to fire electric bolts other than Baron Dante.
Cactus Jack
Firing spikes, spinning
Throwing bombs
Baron Dante
Charging at wall, Electric bolts, Powerful floor punch
Running Dantini
Running and touching Croc
Devil Dantini
Shooting fireballs
Ice Dantini
Throwing ice
Tumbling Dantini
Tail attack
Spitting fireballs
Jumping Dantini
Jumps on Croc
Stomping Dantini
Stomps on Croc and on monkey bars to make Croc fall
Bat Dantini
Touches Croc
Bites Croc
Burrowing worm
Touching Croc
Touching Croc (appears to approach Croc when nearby)
Kidnapping Dantini
First time it touches Croc it steals a Gobbo from him, the second time it damages him