Beany the Bird

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"You’re the only chance they have. You must help! Can you imagine what it’s like for a Gobbo being all alone?"-- Beany convincing Croc to save the Gobbos.

The Beany Bird Gong

Beany Bird is a magical yellow bird that was summoned by King Rufus to rescue Croc when Baron Dante was rampaging Gobbo Valley. At the end of each level, there is a Beany Bird Gong which calls Beany Bird to come pick Croc up. Beany Bird's Magic causes Croc to shrink when being picked up, but when Beany Bird is taking Croc around any of the Islands, Croc will simply hang on to Beany Bird's talons. She, unfortunately, did not make it into Croc 2.


  • When Croc defeats Neptuna, Beany appears wearing a scuba mask.