King Rufus

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King Rufus is the King of the Gobbo Archipelago and, more importantly, the Gobbo that rescued Croc and raised him as his own, making King Rufus Croc's adoptive father. When Baron Dante invaded Gobbo Valley, King Rufus gave Croc a handy-dandy BACKPACK (sorry, I couldn't resist) and summoned Beany Bird with a magical gong so that Croc could safely escape. Just barely had Croc escaped that Baron Dante took King Rufus as his own pet and locked him in the highest room in the tallest tower of Castle Island, but, lo and behold, Croc rescued him. In Croc 2, Croc went to King Rufus for advice about finding his biological parents. Don't get King Rufus mixed up with the Sailor King, please.

King Rufus directing his loyal citizens.