Croc: Legend of the Gobbos

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The Game that started it all.

This is the game that started it all. It tells the tale of a baby crocodile that got washed up on Forest Island. King Rufus, King of the Gobbo Archipelago, adopted the orphan and raised him, teaching him the ways of the Gobbos. But one fateful day, the miserable magician Baron Dante invaded Gobbo Valley. King Rufus gave Croc a backpack and summoned Beany Bird to take Croc far away. Before long, Croc had traversed through the entire game, rescuing all of the Gobbos including King Rufus. That makes a total of 145 Gobbos in the Gobbo Archipelago. During the game, Croc travels through the Forest Island, Ice Island, Desert Island, Castle Island, and the mysterious fifth Crystal Island. The scenery in the game is amazing, intriging, and calming all at once. The game itself is beautiful, and the music at times can be haunting, calming, and lovely. A must-play for any Croc fan out there.

Items/Interactive Elements

GOBBOS: Croc’s cuddly friends, the Gobbos, have been scattered across the islands by Baron Dante. You will find them standing around, hidden in Smash Boxes and locked in cages. When Croc touches them, they are magically shrunk down and packed into his backpack.

WHITE CRYSTALS: The islands are littered with these. If you are not carrying White Crystals and are hurt, you will lose a life, but if you have some, you will simply drop them. Crystals are added up at the end of each level, and for every 100 you collect, you will receive an extra life. If you have less than 100, they are carried forward into the next level. Saved crystals do not protect you on the next level, but at the end of the level, the old crystals plus any new ones you have collected are added together and, if this number is greater than 100, you will gain an extra life. If it’s less than 100, they are carried over to the end of the next level.

COLOUR CRYSTALS: Each level has a Crystal Door, but to get inside, you need all five Colour Crystals hidden in a level.

SMASH BOXES: These look slightly different from level to level, but a good stomp will always break them open. There‘s always something good inside these.

PUSH BOXES: These boxes (with arrows painted on them) are useful for getting to places you cannot normally reach.

EXTRA LIVES: These take the form of hearts and are found (usually hidden) in many places throughout the game. Picking one up gives you an extra life.

KEYS: Croc must pick up silver keys to free his caged Gobbo chums and gold keys to open locked doors.

BALLOONS: These carry you to another point in the level. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!

SWITCHES: Often you will come across Switches on the floor. Jumping on one may make a platform move, or appear. Some Switches reset themselves after a set time.

MONKEY BARS: These allow you to swing hand over hand across dangerous parts of a level (such as lava pits, bottomless pits or electrified water). You can swing below them, or if you can jump high enough, run along the top.

JELLIES: These pink gelatine desserts help you to jump up to very high areas.

CLIMBABLE WALLS: Although you can’t climb up most walls, certain areas have Climbable Walls. Look for ridges and notches on walls to see if you can climb up.

TORCHES: Some levels are very dark and you need a source of light. In some dark levels, you can collect globes of light called Torches. They light up the area surrounding you, but only for a limited time so be quick on your feet!

JIGSAW PIECES: There are eight Secret Levels on the four islands in the game. Each of these contains one magical Jigsaw Piece. Locating the Jigsaw Piece is the object of the Secret Levels (although there are many extra bonuses to collect in there too!). When you pick it up, the level ends. If you get all eight Jigsaw Pieces, Croc will assemble the magic puzzle and reveal a whole new startling secret!

BEANY GONG: Hit the Gong at the end of the level, and Beany the Bird will swoop down and whisk you off to the next level of your choosing.