Forest Island

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Forest Island as seen in the intro

Forest Island (also known as Volcano or Grass Island) is the first island of five islands in the Gobbo Archipelago, and the one that Croc washed up on when he was a baby. This is the Island that King Rufus, king of the Gobbos, resides at. In it's center sits the Gobbo Valley where all of the Gobbos reside.

Gameplay showing the first level, And So The Adventure Begins

The island consists mostly of hills and grass, with many caves filled with lava. Lava flows outside the caves too, often in rivers. On top of the island's largest hill is a boxing ring.

Shortly after Baron Dante initially invaded Gobbo Valley, him and his Dantinis trapped 36 Gobbos in boxes, cages, caves, and various other prisons throughout the island, including King Rufus, the leader of the Gobbos.

Additionally, off the coast of this island rests two hidden secret islands, which Croc could only access after freeing a set amount of Gobbos, hidden on each of these islands was a puzzle piece (see 1-S1 and 1-S2 below).

Previous Island: N/A

Next Island: Ice Island

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos Levels

1-1 And So The Adventure Begins

1-2 Underground Overground

1-3 Shoutin' Lava Lava Lava

1-B1 Lair of the Feeble

1-S1 The Curvy Caverns

1-4 The Tumbling Dantini

1-5 Cave Fear

1-6 Darkness Descends

1-B2 Fight Night With Flibby

1-S2 The Twisty Tunnels


Tooty the Feeble - 1-B1 Lair of the Feeble

Originally a duck, Tooty was enchanted by Baron Dante into a larger, more threatening creature. He is seen on Lair of the Feeble, the fourth level of the first island and the first boss Croc encounters. Croc is given a circular arena in a forest and Tooty will chase after Croc until he is out of breath,


Let him chase you until he takes a swing, then while he's recovering, attack him. Tail-attack him when he stops and takes a short breath and he will chase you again. Do this three times to defeat him and complete the level.

Flibby - 1-B2 Fight Night With Flibby

Welcome to the Arena! Baron Dante had super-sized Flibby the Ladybird into the Flibby the punching Ladybird with boxing gloves and it's up to Croc to save him. He appears in Fight Night With Flibby, the ninth level of the first island and the second boss Croc encounters. The arena consists of a boxing ring where Croc must defeat him.


Flibby will attempt to punch you, but avoid his attacks, and then tail-attack him. Flibby will fall to the floor, at which you point you stomp on him. Do this a further two times, avoiding his attacks, and you will be to continue onto the second island, or the second secret level of the island, The Twisty Tunnels if you have collected all 6 gobbos from the previous 3 levels

Notable Features

Crystal Door Challenges

Crystal Door Challenges are those which are accessed by getting all 5 coloured crystals in a normal level and going through the purple Crystal Door at the end. The challenge must be completed in order to get the sixth Gobbo.

1-1 And So The Adventure Begins

Difficulty: 1/5 A rather simple Crystal Door challenge for the first level, Croc must use the Jelly on the left to bounce high enough to get a silver key, ride the balloon to the other side and free the Gobbo in the cage with the key.

1-2 Underground Overground

1-3 Shoutin' Lava Lava Lava

Difficulty: 3/5

Croc is faced with only a button to press, which activates a Popping Game in which Croc must jump on one of the switches on a control board corresponding to the location of the sheep which pops out of either the left, middle or right hole. Croc must successfully 'pop' enough sheep to earn the Gobbo at the end. If he doesn't 'pop' enough sheep, he will only be given a reward of two lives, one life or nothing at all depending on how many sheep were popped.

1-4 The Tumbling Dantini

1-5 Cave Fear

1-6 Darkness Descends

Difficulty: 1/5

Croc must jump into the water and must swim through a length of underwater tunnels until rescuing a trapped Gobbo inside a bubble. This is the first time in the game in which Croc can swim in a level.

Other Characters


Apart from Tooty and Flibby, other enemies stopping Croc in his tracks include:


  • This is the only island to contain the Giant Bee enemie, which features in And So The Adventure Begins.
  • Ironically, considering its name, trees are not present in any Forest Island levels.

See Also