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On his travels, Croc encounters a variety of enemies. Except for the Bosses, the lesser enemies can only be defeated temporarily and some cannot be attacked altogether.


Feeble is a small duck, transformed by Baron Dante into a giant, yellow-green boss with a yellow star on his stomach. He lives on Volcano Island and fights Croc in the level 'Lair of the Feeble'. He resides in a circular clearing in a forest. His main attack is to waddle after Croc until he gets tired and stops. Feeble has three lives.

Flibby the Boxing Ladybug

File:Flibby (3D).jpg
The insect king, Flibby!!!


Flibby is a ladybug transformed by Baron Dante into a gigantic insect with boxing gloves. He lives on Volcano Island and appears in the level 'Fight Night with Flibby'. He fights in a boxing ring. Flibby is one of the game's trickiest bosses. He has three attacks: a single punch, a ground slam and an arm swing. Flibby has three lives.


Chumly is an unknown creature living on the Ice Island. Baron Dante attaches a rocket to him for fun. He is the only boss in the game that is not transformed by Dante. He appears in the level 'Chumly's Snow Den'. His lair is an icy cave. He has no main attacks except to drop down to the ground. He is arguably one of the easiest bosses in the game. Chumly has three lives.

Demon Itsy

Demon Itsy is four goats joined together to form a medium-sized megalomaniac monster. They were transformed by Baron Dante. He lives on Ice Island and appears in the level 'Demon Itsy's Ice Palace'. His lair is an ice skating rink. When Demon Itsy is hit, he splits into two. When these smaller versions on Itsy are attacked, they also split into two. Demon Itsy's main attack is similar to Feeble. He has seven lives.


Neptuna is a small fish, transformed by Baron Dante into a giant fish creature with hands and a trident. She lives underwater on Desert Island and appears in the underwater level 'The Deadly Tank of Neptuna'. Her lair is a giant fish tank. Neptuna will attack using her trident as a stick and also a spark emitter. Compared to other bosses, she is the most difficult to defeat. She has three lives.

Cactus Jack

Cactus Jack is a giant, sentient cactus transformed by Baron Dante from a cactus connected with a lizard on top. He is the largest boss in the game. He lives on Desert Island and appearing in the level 'Cactus Jack's Ranch'. It fights in a square shaped base, sealed off with tall walls. His atacks are: shooting metal thorns continuously and spinning around the arena like a dust devil. He has three lives.


Fosley is one of the friendly Dantinis who skips around holding a red balloon. He is transformed by Baron Dante into a large being holding three big balloons. He resides in Dante's Castle Island and appears in the level 'Fosley's Freaky Donut'. He fights in the air, flying with his balloons above a central hole in a circular donut structure, with springy platforms. His attack is to throw running TNT bars at Croc. Fosley has three lives.

Baron Dante

Baron Dante is the ultimate boss and Croc's archenemy, living in his castle. He appears as a giant frog-like creature with an iron hand, wearing knight clothes with a cape and having a mohawk hairstyle. He rules over his 'Castle Island' and appears in the level 'Baron Dante's Funky Inferno'. He has three attack stages, each with three lives. First, he punches into the ground sending out a shockwave. Then, he charges at Croc. Thirdly, Dante levitates and throws off electric sparks from his iron hand. In total, he has nine lives.

Secret Sentinel

The secret boss of the fifth island. It is a crystal version of Baron Dante, although it is thought it is only Dante's 'spirit' of sorts, because Dante is thought to use crystals for his power source.It appears in the final level 'The Secret Sentinel'. It fights in a crystal cavern with four stable platforms, each containing one Beany Bird gong and four levitating crystal platforms. It cannot be attacked directly. It attacks by throwing an unavoidable energy blast. He has one life which can only be lost if Croc makes all the Beany gongs sound at once.

Other Enemies

  • Wasp - A wasp that only appears in the level 'And So The Adventure Begins' on the Volcano Island
  • Earthworms - An earthworm that follows the same path. Immortal. Only appear on the Volcano Island.
  • Snake - A giant snake that comes up from wells and tries to bite Croc. Immortal. Only appear on the Volcano Island.
  • Yellow Tubes - A small, yellow tube-like creature that jumps around and spits yellow fire balls. Only appear on the Volcano Island, in the cave levels.
  • Fire Balls - Fire balls with eyes that jump out of lava and bounce around a platform. They only appear on the Volcano Island, in the cave levels.
  • Dogs - A giant dog that runs around a certain area. They only appear on the Ice Island.
  • Penguins - Small penguins that jump out of water and skate on ice fields. Immortal. Only appear on the Ice Island.
  • Fish/Sharks - Many types of these appear in the underwater levels, swimming around.
  • Crabs - They only appear in the boss level 'The Deadly Tank of Neptuna' on the Desert Island. They usually guard a doorway to prevent Croc's passage.
  • Scorpions - Scorpions that jump out of slime/lava and shoot fireballs from their tails. They only appear in the Desert Island.
  • Mummies - They move slowly and walk around a certain path. They only appear in the level 'Mud Pit Mania' on the Desert Island
  • Ghost - They only appear on the Desert Island through every Colored Crystal door. While it does not harm Croc, it hovers around quickly, stealing all the crystals in a pathway. Croc must win a race against it to attain the silver key that will free a Gobbo.
  • Chained Creature - A yellow creature that prevents Croc from pressing switches to unlock doors. Attacks by swinging his arms around madly. Can only be distracted temporarily. Immortal. Only appears in the level 'The Tower of Power' on the Castle Island.
  • Grim Reapers - Scythe wielding hooded creatures that attack by spinning around, Only appear in the levels 'The Tower of Power' and 'Dungeon of Defright' on the Castle island.
  • Spiders - Purple or red spiders that can obstruct Croc's passage. They spring from the ceiling on a web. Only appear in the level 'Dungeon of Defright' on the Castle Island.
  • Big Robotic Ogre - Obstructs Croc's way by smashing his one, giant hand. Immortal. Only appear in the level 'Dungeon of Defright' on the Castle Island.
  • Ballistic Meg - A thin, pink creature who will run at a great speed from one place to another. Immortal. They only appear in the level 'Ballistic Meg's Fairway; on the Castle Island and the level 'Crox Interactive' on the secret Crystal Island.
  • Swipe Swifly - A sword-wielding, pirate creature that attacks Croc on his way down the platforms. They only appear in the level 'Snipe Swiftly's Wicked Ride' on the Castle Island.
  • Platform Pete - A blue creature who flies around in a wooden saucer and hits buttons with his hammer, causing platforms to tilt. Immortal. Only appears in the level 'Panic at Platform Pete's Lair' on the Castle Island.