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Croc is a cute crocodile raised by the Gobbos on Forest Island. He is, obviously, the star of the Croc series.


Croc was washed up on Forest Island in a little black basket, where he was found and adopted by King Rufus and the other Gobbos. It is a mystery why his parents put him in a basket in the ocean... While he was growing up, his favorite food was peas. (The manual said he 'ate buckets of peas'). When he had reached his full height, he was as tall as three Gobbos standing on top of each other.

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos

One horrible day, Baron Dante and his evil Dantinis came and invaded Forest Island, seemingly for no reason whatsoever. In all the chaos, King Rufus gave Croc a backpack and summoned a magical bird named Beany Bird to take Croc far, far away, just before he was captured himself. Croc could not stay away for long. He decided that he really owed the Gobbos and loved them, so he set out on a journey of his own to rescue them.

Croc 2

In Croc 2, Croc finds a message in a bottle from his parents who are looking in vain for him. His footprint matches the paper, so the Gobbos catapult Croc across the ocean to the mainland. After tirelessly running through adventures, beating up the mean Dantinis, and fighting his way through mazes, tunnels, obstacles, Croc bests Baron Dante in the final showdown on top of a mountain, and afterwards The Professor Gobbo takes Croc back to his family with a map he found.


Croc's repetoire of moves outclasses even the most advanced crocodile. He can use tail to unleash a tail attack, which can momentarily cause an enemy Dantini to disappear. He also uses a stomp technique which effectively breaks open boxes scattered around the Gobbo Archipelago.

In order to change direction quickly whilst running, Croc can flip up to 180 degrees.

Introduced in Croc 2, Croc is able to achieve a double bounce.

The Gobbos

Croc was raised and taught by the Gobbos, and therefore whilst growing up, thought he was a Gobbo too. This was the incentive to rescue the Gobbos after Baron Dante's Invasion, because he thought he would be rescuing his own kind.

His acts of bravery were paid back when the Gobbos built a statue of him in his honour.


Croc's family were introduced in Croc 2.